
Ubin Map

Here's a map of some of the key locations of Ubin Day happenings. And the estimated distance and estimated time to walk from Ubin Jetty.

Ubin Town
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(Estimated distance in metres, and time to walk from Ubin Jetty)

1 - NParks Info Kiosk opposite Ubin Jetty. Also public toilets and the Nature Gallery. (20m, 1min)

2 - 'Taxi Stand' where the van drivers wait for passengers. (20m, 1min)

3 - Wayang Stage (100m, 3mins)

- Registration area under the shade of the huge Banyan Tree (200m, 6mins)

5 -  HSBC Volunteer Hub, Seminar Room and NParks Office (200m, 6mins)

6 - Assembly Area (200m, 6mins)

7 - Jelutong Campsite East (300m, 9mins)

8 - Jelutong Campsite West (400m, 12mins)

9 - Butterfly Hill (300m, 9mins) 

10 - Pekan Quarry lookout point (300m, 9mins)

Outside of Ubin Town (westwards)
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(Estimated distance in kilometres, and time to walk from Ubin Jetty)

11 - Jelutong Bridge at Ah Mah's Drink Stall (1km, 20-30mins)

12 - Ubin Quarry opposite 'Y U so like dat' signboard. (2km, 40mins-1 hour)